It’s almost as if that within the flick of a switch our daily lives have been completely hijacked. Coronavirus is the global pandemic that every human is currently facing. Since the government is promoting for people to be social distancing and self-quarantining, many businesses are being shut down and our lives are being restricted. Weddings are postponed, social events cancelled, and people are stuck in their homes. These dreadful precautions are necessary to prevent more outbreaks and the suffering of the sick. Although these times are difficult to transition to, we must all practice sanitation and hygiene for further prevention of any damage to our health. Some general tips to prevent the spreading of COVID-19 are to keep your hand sanitizer close, sneeze/cough away from other people’s direction while covering your mouth, and avoid any other human droplets that could contain germs.
Your body is a temple, and how you treat it is how you will feel. Keeping your physical health in check is just as important as practicing good mental health. By following organized personal hygiene habits, we reduce our risks of encountering infections and bacterial diseases. One of the most important topics of this hygiene guide is to shower or bathe regularly. As silly as it sounds, many people skip their daily showers which only becomes a pain for someone else when you walk by. Not only do you affect others by not doing this act, you risk your own health. Rinsing off the dirt and oils that your body releases is extremely important. Your body and hair deserve to be cleaned and moisturized for skin elasticity and prevention of hair breakage. Brushing your teeth and tongue is something that people should never forget to do. This is something that should be mandatory at least twice a day. Personally, if you don’t brush your teeth when you wake up and before you go to bed then I can’t be your friend. Oral hygiene can go downhill very fast, prevention of teeth decomposition should be a high concern to everyone.
Specifically, because of the situation the earth is facing with this airborne illness right now, every single time we use the bathroom or even come into contact with other people we should be washing our hands. Every chance we get, we should be more than happy to rid ourselves of the germs and bacteria that we gather from touching things. Scrubbing under the nails and keeping them maintained also is a beneficial way to practice our physical health. Disease causing germs don’t have limits, at any time we could have bacteria find its way onto us or even under our nails. Another good tip for staying tidy is to make sure you change your clothes frequently. I only wear an outfit for a few hours before I change my clothes, I can’t imagine why people would go longer wearing their soiled clothes from throughout your day. Dirty clothes should be washed with soap before being worn again. A nifty tip that I’ve learned is that by hanging clothes to dry in the sun, you will kill disease causing germs and even parasites.
I hope everyone reading this stays away from overcrowded areas. The state of this massive illness depends on, if we as people, do our part by staying away from others. Self-isolation is the only way to ensure your own safety. As much as this sucks, we will get through it by continuing to stay clean and healthy. Being stuck at home is a great time to meditate and practice all possible ways to be hygienic. You are more than welcome to respond or leave a comment directly to this post or through my social medias. Please respond with any concerns about this pandemic or input about how it has affected you directly. My next blog topic will be related to procrastination and will be available to read by April 2nd.